Currently accepting applicants for 2025
Nordic Young Anaesthesiologists (NYA) and The Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (SSAI) are proud to announce the Nordic Exchange Programme for Trainee Doctors in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 2024.
The NYA Exchange Programme offers trainees a grant of 10.000DKK (approximately 1.344€) and the opportunity to visit a host department in one of the Nordic countries: Norway, Finland, Iceland, Denmark or Sweden during a stay of one-two weeks (5-10 working days). This exchange must be completed within one (1) year of receiving grant notification.
The NYA Exchange Programme offers maximum flexibility as trainees are able to set up their own exchange arrangement or use one of the departments that NYA already has an exchange agreement with.

More info and application: 20205 exchange programme details