SCCM conference

Moscone Center 747 Howard Street, San Fransisco, CA, United States

The annual SCCM conference - this time in lovely SF, California

Hindgavl intensiv symposie

Hindsgavl slot Hindsgavl Alle 7, Middelfart, Denmark

The annual intensivist meeting at the Hindsgavl Castle is back at its usual January time slot. Sessions mostly in Danish, but international keynotes and sessions too.


The 2023 edition of the ISICEM conference in Bruxelles, Belgium


Sandbjerg Gods Sandbjergvej 102, Sønderborg, Region of Southern Denmark, Denmark

The Danish society of emergency medicine hosts this 2 day ultrasound extravaganza.

4th Scandinavian Intensivist Meeting

Rigshospitalet Blegdamsvej 9, København, Denmark

The 4th Scandinavian Intensivist Meeting will yet again bring the ICU crowd together for discussion and networking


FYA symposium 2023

Hotel Kolding Fjort Fjordvej 154, Kolding

The annual FYA symposium for young Danish anaesthesiologists, for the first time now at Kolding Fjord

Critical Care Reviews 2023

Titanic Belfast 1 Olympic Way, Queen's Road, Belfast, Ireland

The 2023 edition of the phenomenal Critical Care Reviews meeting will once again present and discuss the most cutting edge new articles in critical care. 

Hospitalist and resuscitationist

Montreal Heart Institute 5000 Rue Bélanger, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

In its third iteration, the 2023 Hospitalist and Resuscitationist conference in Montreal, Canada, is shaping up to be a great event. There is an online only option, but even if you opt for the in person experience there will be about 50 high yield lectures to watch before the meeting to set you up for […]

ESICM 2023

Milano Convention Centre Gate 2, V.le Eginardo, Milano, Italy

The 36th conference for the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine will be in Milan.

ERC congress


The 2023 congress of the European Resuscitation Council will be in Barcelona.

SSAI conference in Oulu

Welcome to the biennial Scandinavian conference on anaesthesia, critical care, prehospital care and pain medicine from the SSAI. Situated in beautiful Oulu this literally is the conference where the sun doesn't go down. Book your tickets now!

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