Instructions for presenters

All accepted abstracts are presented as ePosters and as short oral presentations

1. ePosters are uploaded to the poster gallery of the congress app as 1 page PDF files (portrait orientation).
• You will be able to upload your 1 page poster to the congress app via a link you will receive by email on 12 June.
• Please use this portrait .pptx template and then save it as PDF. (The app allows scaling the PDF files.)

2. Short presentations in poster sessions
• In addition to an ePoster, each presenter has a short oral presentation in a poster session, 7 minutes + 3 minutes for questions.
• For presentations: PowerPoint slides (maximum 5 slides including titlepage, aim, methods, results, conclusion) can be used. Please use this .pptx template for your presentation!
• A link to upload your presentation slides in advance will be sent to you on 12 June. At the congress, your presentation slides will be ready on the poster session lecture room computer. 

Poster session/presentation timetable (update 14 June)

Call for abstracts

(Submission has ended)

Congress participants are invited to submit abstracts for the SSAI2024 congress exploring topics related to anaesthesiology, intensive care medicine, pain management, prehospital, and emergency medicine, especially with emphasis on the theme of the congress “Tomorrow Is Now: Shaping the Future of Healthcare” The deadline for abstract submission is 29 February 2024 (extended).

General information

Authors need to be aware of patient confidentiality before submitting abstracts for publication. Each participant may submit a maximum of 2 abstracts as a presenting author.

Note: if you are participating the SSAI postgraduate education programme obstetric anesthesia, please do not send your abstract via the Oxford Abstracts system, follow instead the instructions you receive from your course director.

Abstract topics

  • cardiothoracic and vascular anaesthesia
  • critical emergency medicine
  • intensive care
  • obstetric anaesthesia
  • pediatric anaesthesia
  • pain medicine
  • perioperative medicine and management
  • anaesthesiology

Abstract submission guidelines

Abstracts are submitted via the Oxford Abstracts online submission system.

  • Register to Oxford Abstracts to submit.
  • After submission, you can sign in again later and amend your submission until the final submission deadline.
  • Note that uncompleted abstracts will not be reviewed.
  • Abstract must be written and presented in clear and concise English.
    The abstract will appear exactly as typed. Therefore, any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific facts will be reproduced as typed. 
  • Abstract title should contain no more than 70 characters with spaces.
    Capitalize the first letter of the first word, then lowercase.
  • Abstract text should contain no more than 300 words (do not include references or keywords). Do not include lists, tables or images.
  • Structure of the abstract using subheadings:
    Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
  • List authors and affiliations, also mark the presenting author (tick box).
  • Select one abstract topic from the list on the submission form.
  • Click ”submit” at the end of the form to complete the submission.
  • Please note that by submitting your abstract to congress, you agree to transfer ownership of copyright for the abstract and its content to the 37th Congress of the Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine – SSAI2024 in order to enable publication in the congress app and in the online publication of Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (after the congress).
  • Please note that abstract acceptance correspondence will be sent to the submitter only and to the email you have used to sign into the abstract system. Possible later correspondence and general information will be sent to the presenting author as well (if submitter is not the presenter), email requested on the submission form. Remember to inform in case you wish to change the presenting author.
  • Please note that all accepted abstracts are presented onsite in Oulu, as oral presentations and ePosters..

Review and notification of acceptance

All submissions will undergo a blind peer review of the Scientific Committee of SSAI2024.

Notification of acceptance will be sent to the abstract submitter only (and to the email used to sign into the Oxford Abstract system) by 15 March 2024 (new date).

Note that the abstract presenter, if the abstract is accepted for presentation, must register as a SSAI2024 congress participant and pay the registration fee by 15 April 2024, to confirm the place in the programme.

Presentation guidelines will be added in the Spring.

Important dates

1 November
Call for abstracts – submission opens

29 February
Extended abstract submission deadline

15 March
Notification of outcome

15 April
Deadline for the presenting author to register

Click here to submit


If you have questions about the submission process, please contact:

If you have any questions relating to the scientific content, please contact