First SSAI Research Methodology Course – Report of a success

Congratulations to the SSAI!

The first annual SSAI Research Methodology Course has finally taken place, a success story for the SSAI and for SSAI member course participants.

As part of its core mission, the SSAI aims to deliver high-quality educational opportunities to members in the form of a series of research methodology courses for current and future Nordic researchers in our field.  The kick-off course took place in Copenhagen April 3 and 4, 2018, with 25 participants, from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. Course application and acceptance was first come, first serve. The course registration filled very quickly, and there were quite a few interested SSAI members who landed on a wait list.

The theme of the first course was clinical trials, including designing, planning, managing, and reporting clinical trials. The faculty was all active trialists, from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Great Britain.  A significant part of the course was active group work, which the course participants named in their feedback as particularly learning-rich for how to approach plan, manage and organise a clinical trial.  The course participants worked over 2 whole days, with common course lunches and a group dinner, allowing lots of opportunity for discussion and networking for all. That there was no course fee for SSAI members was a drawing point for participants receiving permission in their workplace to attend. The course was rated as a success, and the SSAI research committee is now busy planning the next course in the series.  The aim is to rotate through a number of research methodology topics, so that the courses should not be repeating topics within concurrent years. Please send the SSAI research committee suggestions (michael.haney[at] for what you would like to see in an SSAI research methodology course in the future.

On behalf of the organising group,

Michael Haney and Morten Hylander Møller

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